Isn't this a fantastic clip of art? This is what greeted me this morning as I started my day with many tasks that clouded my mind. What a great reminder of truth in the everyday simplictics of nature that we seem to take for granted in our rush of life. I literally had to pull my car over to capture this magnificent work of art that my Heavenly Father was so gracious to gift me with this morning. I've been thinking about what this meant for me and I wanted to share what Christ revealed to my heart thus far.
Each one of us is gifted with twenty four hours in our day. Each one of us have our own seasons that we must journey through. In those seasons we may experience hardships and trials that challenge us to the point that we make choices that sometimes aren't pleasing or beneficial. We become stressed, irritated and frustrated. We tend to try to force-fit things of our past into today. Before we know it life feels heavy and overwhelming; fast and not enough time to get things done. We morph into creatures that slightly resembled our former selves. Our days are now where we rush into them like race horses waiting to be released at the gate on race day of the Kentucky Derby. What has become of us?
We've allowed ourselves to become overwhelmed with fluff & stuff. Stuff that doesn't really matter and that we really don't have control over. Lamentations 3:22 says, "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassion's never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Christ gives us do overs every morning. Did you hear that? Restart button...refresh button...scrapped clean!! All because of His love for us. He is compassionate and faithful. Philippians 4:19 says, "God supplies all our needs from His riches." We don't even have to go searching for them. He's got them all right there. So if He gives us a fresh start every morning and supplies us with all that we need, then why are we crazy for cocoa puffs? That's on us. It's our choice. We need to be deliberate for Christ. Walk purposefully with Christ. Keeping our faith in Him, trusting Him and then waiting. Ooooh, waiting...that's hard! Lamentations 3:26 says, "It is good to wait quietly for the Lord to save." and Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." We need to have a mind-set that God is in control because, guess what, HE IS IN CONTROL! Wait with expectation and anticipation knowing that He will provide for you and lead you through each day that He has gifted you with.
Worry ~ "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?" Worry is a waste of our time and energy that leads straight to frustration. Isaiah 43:10 gives us a sweet promise, "Fear not, for I am your God; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Worry doesn't change anything. It doesn't help. Worry is draining and unhealthy. Release all that is worrying you do to Christ, for it is He who knows your future. He will embrace you and hold you tight with what fears you struggle with. It's not yours to carry. Jesus is a gentleman...He will carry it all for you! You just need to drop it off to Him.
Everyday we are faced with challenges. It is in every day that we are renewed by Christ. Do not let yesterday's failures, disappointments or choices weigh you down today. Slow down. Begin anew this day...focusing only on today--seeking to please God and to walk in His ways. Michah 7:7 says, "But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me."
God is compassionate and faithful. We need to slow down and allow Him to be Lord of our lives as well as our 24 hour days.
Take care & be blessed,
Christy Krezman
Rosette Ministry
Christy Krezman
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Rosette
I love that! Christ restores! He doesn't discard me or pack me up donating me to the local thrift store like so many of us do with our wanted or disfunctioning items. Christ doesn't do that with us, thank goodness! These Rosettes are a testimony of just that. Many years ago Christ had plans for me in which I wasn't quite aware of at that time due to MY own agenda. About three years ago late in the night of making these lovely adornments, God made His sweet presence very abundantly clear to me. It was a newness I hadn't felt in a really long time. He refreshed me and renewed me. He revealed to me a beautiful story in which I'm about to share.
The material that is used for each Rosette is from thrift stores or yard sales. Clothing items that have been tossed aside and no longer wanted or needed. That's how we feel at times, but Christ will scoop us up and heal the brokenhearted, He will be the Father to the fatherless and He will make beautiful what was intended for harm. My prayer is that this will bless and encourage you.
Each petal represents a season in our life. It is always held by our Creator God. As we go through life's journey we are being shaped and formed by Him. Containing the fray's that we are without Him. Sometimes we may go through hard times and have to walk through fire but we will not be consumed. We have the promise of Isaiah 43:2 which says, "...when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you."
That season will come to an end as we grow and mature in Him. A new season begins...'a new petal held in His Hands.' Same process because God doesn't change, but for us different experiences, different shaping, different growing to be made. We're imperfect in the Perfector's Hands. For His Hands make and fashion us according to Psalm 119:73.
God continues this process with each of our 'petal' seasons. He is the one who changes times and seasons in ours lives (Daniel 2:21.) All the while He's layering each season one atop of the other. Each getting smaller as we are continuing our walk with Him trusting and believing in the work He is doing in us.
As time goes on and we're seeking God and He's giving us the full life, He's revealing to us the magnificent masterpiece that He always knows that we are. You are His beautiful rose that He treasures and adores. Deuteronomy 7:6 tells us, "...The LORD your God had chosen you to be a people for His treasured possession..." God treasures you! You are His delight! God loves you just as you are, not as you THINK you should be.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that we are His beautiful treasure. That He delights in us as we are going through challenging, tough times. When we're being shaped and don't like the aches of growing pains or just maybe we're having to walk pretty close if not through that fire. It is easy to forget that we are treasure. But treasure must be refined through fire. There may be bonds that have us so bound that it is necessary for us to be in that firery trial in order to allow those bonds to be burned off and for us to be released from it. Those bonds will fall right off as Christ brings you out through the other side victoriously! One translation of 1Peter 1:7 says, "The purpose of these troubles is to test your faith as fire tests how genuine gold is. Your faith is more precious than gold, and by passing the test, it gives praise, glory, and honor to God."
These tests strengthens our faith. Serving Christ isn't always about being protected from difficulty. We are ALWAYS in His hands through those difficulties. He doesn't let go of you. He's got you! Sometimes He may be guiding while others He is carrying you through. Jesus Christ is the Author and Perfector of our faith. He is making us complete.
Everyday, we are faced with challenges. It is in every day that we are renewed. Don't let yesterday's failures and disappointments weigh you down today. Worrying over mistakes is a waste of our time and energy that leads us to frustration. Release all your mistakes to Christ. Look to Him in trust - anticipating, expecting and having a mind-set that God is in control. Our failures are highlights of our dependence on Christ. He is the One and Only who can bring absolute beauty out of the overwhelming mass of our mistakes. Begin anew this day...focusing only on today - seeking to please God and to walk in His ways. Joy and Peace because God is with you each step of the way. "But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.' Michah 7:7
Those seasons WILL pass. They don't last forever. Don't let what you are going through define you. God gives us the strength, the ability and the privilege of seeing each season through. Isaiah 43:10 gives us a sweet promise, "Fear not, for I am your God; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
So be encouraged when going through trials. In the book of James, we're told to consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Reflect back to how the Rosette was created. Each petal season was brought to the flame to be shaped. Some areas on the petal have singes, flaws, areas that we may want to hide, and reminders of trials it endured. But as each petal was placed one atop of the other getting smaller as it went, the beauty was beginning to be revealed. It was those flaws and the things that at the time of the season that appeared to be ugly and so bad to the point that it looked almost hideous yet it is those qualities that brings forth the uniqueness and absolute beauty to the Rosette. God being the center of it creating this absolute amazing one-of-a-kind Masterpiece. No two are alike. Let this be a reminder of how God is always at work in us and what beautiful treasures we are to Him.
We all need seasons to grow. We can't stay on one side of the sun and expect to be complete. We can't have a full, abundant life without transformation, shaping, refining. Just think how beautiful of a garden He's creating in you...
Christy Krezman
Rosette Ministry
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Bold for Christ
This is me. This is me being bold for Christ. This is me being bold for Christ and knowing that it was absolutely, completely and totally Him who gave me the strength that I was able to stand before a group of beautiful women and share a story that Christ placed upon my heart.
Let me tell you, I am not comfortable speaking in crowds...just a year ago I couldn't even share this same story in front of a group of 12 ladies I knew without shaking, voice trembling, and stumbling on my words! God is so good! I love that He continued to impress upon my heart the urgency to be bold for Him. I've ignored it for far too long. I've chosen not to disregard it any longer and my goodness, it is such an amazing journey that I've been exposed to I could have never dreamed it up in a million years!
I've worried for quite a number of years of what others thought of me...including complete strangers. My outward appearance. All my effort went into making the outer part of my life appear to look fantastic. I also placed all of my likes, identities and talents into separate boxes (bedazzled, of course!) I kept them all separate. When the time called for a particular item, then I'd retrieve the correct box but then quickly slammed the box lid shut. Never allowing God or others to get close enough inside to truly see in or to even fill me up. I lived this accelerated, unremarkable life for many years. Always feeling a lacking in my heart. I thought I was doing things right, I mean I was volunteering excessively at my children's school, did my daily devotions, volunteered at church, kept up with the household stuff yet I still felt things in my heart was just not right.
When you get broken you become desperate for God. I was becoming very broken in my heart. Very low in fuel...I was finding only remnants in the boxes of what used to be abundantly overflowing at one point in time. Christ revealed to me that I was not allowing myself to be vulnerable and transparent. WHAT?! Oh my goodness! What would others think? If I let people get to know the "real" me, then they may not like what they see? Would they still like me? What if they found out about "this or that?" They may not understand what I had to go through!
Let me tell you something, the most beautiful woman is a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?" Wow! That's pretty awesome! Change needs to happen in order for you to allow growth. Growing is not comfortable, in fact it requires you to endure pain. Growing stretches you and takes you to a new level that you have not been before and it is gloriously beautiful once you arrive. Christ never wastes pain that we experience. We need to just remember to keep a mind-set that God is in control. He has you. He will never leave you and He has prepared a place for you in eternity. We are not of this world. Things of this place are temporary.
I thought about how loyal Christ is to me. Have I predetermined my loyalty to Him in all that I go through? What exactly is loyalty? Loyalty be firm, be established, be steadfast, be faithful, be sure, be reliable, be fixed, be certain; to be ready, be prepared; to be determined...After reading this I prayed for Christ to make me more loyal to Him. To remove "Christy." Removing selfishness, pride and worries making me an empty vessel to be filled with His Holy Spirit that I may be used according to His plan and purpose. Goodness me, God hears prayers people! He did just that for me! It wasn't an easy road, but it was a road I wouldn't have redirected or repaved at all. I love where He has brought me in being able to be bold for Him. He has proved Himself throughout my years to be my firm foundation, established in my life, unwavering, unshakable, unfaltering, unbendable, faithful to His Promise's. He's authenic, trustworthy and dependable. He's equipped, ready and willing to give all that He is to me even when I don't even realize it.
Not much has changed in my outward appearance in the past year, but much sure has in my heart! I am quick to speak to people and greet them with a smile and say hello looking them in the eye. I am patient and slow to anger in difficult situations. I forgive when I am hurt or wronged. I've become transparent & vulnerable to those I trust around me. I surrender things to Christ that I am not meant to carry. I trust in Him to see me through each and every day, as well as each and every situation and circumstance. I have faith that I will see Him one amazing day!
Let me leave you with this thought...We all have one giant sized breath of God. Are you going to breathe it out everyday sharing it with the world around you? Or, are you going to hold it in puffing out your cheeks so big making your face turn red til you pass out keeping it all to yourself? I've chose to take my index fingers and poke my rosed colored cheeks and exhale Jesus out to this world while I can. I can't control what other people think, so why should it bother me what they think of me especially if I am in Christ. Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
God's fingerprint's are all over me and you. He has created some pretty amazing things, including you and me, so I am going to be bold for Him, loving Him, serving Him, seeking Him, being prepared, and waiting with anticipation to see what is in store for me next.
Take care and be blessed.
Christy K.
Let me tell you, I am not comfortable speaking in crowds...just a year ago I couldn't even share this same story in front of a group of 12 ladies I knew without shaking, voice trembling, and stumbling on my words! God is so good! I love that He continued to impress upon my heart the urgency to be bold for Him. I've ignored it for far too long. I've chosen not to disregard it any longer and my goodness, it is such an amazing journey that I've been exposed to I could have never dreamed it up in a million years!
I've worried for quite a number of years of what others thought of me...including complete strangers. My outward appearance. All my effort went into making the outer part of my life appear to look fantastic. I also placed all of my likes, identities and talents into separate boxes (bedazzled, of course!) I kept them all separate. When the time called for a particular item, then I'd retrieve the correct box but then quickly slammed the box lid shut. Never allowing God or others to get close enough inside to truly see in or to even fill me up. I lived this accelerated, unremarkable life for many years. Always feeling a lacking in my heart. I thought I was doing things right, I mean I was volunteering excessively at my children's school, did my daily devotions, volunteered at church, kept up with the household stuff yet I still felt things in my heart was just not right.
When you get broken you become desperate for God. I was becoming very broken in my heart. Very low in fuel...I was finding only remnants in the boxes of what used to be abundantly overflowing at one point in time. Christ revealed to me that I was not allowing myself to be vulnerable and transparent. WHAT?! Oh my goodness! What would others think? If I let people get to know the "real" me, then they may not like what they see? Would they still like me? What if they found out about "this or that?" They may not understand what I had to go through!
Let me tell you something, the most beautiful woman is a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?" Wow! That's pretty awesome! Change needs to happen in order for you to allow growth. Growing is not comfortable, in fact it requires you to endure pain. Growing stretches you and takes you to a new level that you have not been before and it is gloriously beautiful once you arrive. Christ never wastes pain that we experience. We need to just remember to keep a mind-set that God is in control. He has you. He will never leave you and He has prepared a place for you in eternity. We are not of this world. Things of this place are temporary.
I thought about how loyal Christ is to me. Have I predetermined my loyalty to Him in all that I go through? What exactly is loyalty? Loyalty be firm, be established, be steadfast, be faithful, be sure, be reliable, be fixed, be certain; to be ready, be prepared; to be determined...After reading this I prayed for Christ to make me more loyal to Him. To remove "Christy." Removing selfishness, pride and worries making me an empty vessel to be filled with His Holy Spirit that I may be used according to His plan and purpose. Goodness me, God hears prayers people! He did just that for me! It wasn't an easy road, but it was a road I wouldn't have redirected or repaved at all. I love where He has brought me in being able to be bold for Him. He has proved Himself throughout my years to be my firm foundation, established in my life, unwavering, unshakable, unfaltering, unbendable, faithful to His Promise's. He's authenic, trustworthy and dependable. He's equipped, ready and willing to give all that He is to me even when I don't even realize it.
Not much has changed in my outward appearance in the past year, but much sure has in my heart! I am quick to speak to people and greet them with a smile and say hello looking them in the eye. I am patient and slow to anger in difficult situations. I forgive when I am hurt or wronged. I've become transparent & vulnerable to those I trust around me. I surrender things to Christ that I am not meant to carry. I trust in Him to see me through each and every day, as well as each and every situation and circumstance. I have faith that I will see Him one amazing day!
Let me leave you with this thought...We all have one giant sized breath of God. Are you going to breathe it out everyday sharing it with the world around you? Or, are you going to hold it in puffing out your cheeks so big making your face turn red til you pass out keeping it all to yourself? I've chose to take my index fingers and poke my rosed colored cheeks and exhale Jesus out to this world while I can. I can't control what other people think, so why should it bother me what they think of me especially if I am in Christ. Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
God's fingerprint's are all over me and you. He has created some pretty amazing things, including you and me, so I am going to be bold for Him, loving Him, serving Him, seeking Him, being prepared, and waiting with anticipation to see what is in store for me next.
Take care and be blessed.
Christy K.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
May Day
Happy May!
A new month. New beginnings - beautiful things that await us. There's always something refreshing for me as the calendar gets turned to start a new month. So many possibilities and opportunities. It reminds me of how Christ does this with us every single day. The previous is marked and scribbled upon taking away from the beauty of the picture above it. Sometimes it gets so heavy with marks with all of our stuff that it is almost unrecognizable and doesn't resemble what it once was. Toward the end it is barely hanging on just about to be torn from the last bit of what was holding it together.
Here's the beautiful part...that marked up stuff, the doesn't last forever! The page gets turned - the old forgotten. We get new mercies every morning...a clean slate. And the best part is, we don't have to be the one holding's Christ who has clasped Himself onto us anchoring us firm and secure in Him. How awesome is that? We can let Him write His Words of truth upon our days filling each one with exactly what we need according to His will. Allowing His beauty to be written so perfectly on our imperfect lives. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13. He's our anchor. He's our hope. He's our support. He's our merciful father who forgives and graciously allows us to have do-overs time and time again!
This is a great day, a great month, a great year to live for the greatness of God...for this is truly living a great life!!
Take care and be blessed,
Christy Krezman
A new month. New beginnings - beautiful things that await us. There's always something refreshing for me as the calendar gets turned to start a new month. So many possibilities and opportunities. It reminds me of how Christ does this with us every single day. The previous is marked and scribbled upon taking away from the beauty of the picture above it. Sometimes it gets so heavy with marks with all of our stuff that it is almost unrecognizable and doesn't resemble what it once was. Toward the end it is barely hanging on just about to be torn from the last bit of what was holding it together.
Here's the beautiful part...that marked up stuff, the doesn't last forever! The page gets turned - the old forgotten. We get new mercies every morning...a clean slate. And the best part is, we don't have to be the one holding's Christ who has clasped Himself onto us anchoring us firm and secure in Him. How awesome is that? We can let Him write His Words of truth upon our days filling each one with exactly what we need according to His will. Allowing His beauty to be written so perfectly on our imperfect lives. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13. He's our anchor. He's our hope. He's our support. He's our merciful father who forgives and graciously allows us to have do-overs time and time again!
This is a great day, a great month, a great year to live for the greatness of God...for this is truly living a great life!!
Take care and be blessed,
Christy Krezman
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Intensely Hard yet Incredibly Beautiful
This image is a result of obedience and trust in Christ. It was extremely challenging yet very
rewarding. It was very painful yet very life changing. It serves as a reminder and a promise all in one.
Growing IS hard. Trusting IS hard. Obedience IS hard... but when we are allowing our growth to be made by The One who knew us before we even were and when we are placing our trust in Him - Maker of Heaven & of Earth - then incredible beauty emerges out from our times of hardships.
In everything there's a beginning...the seed. Christ may require you to stretch beyond your level of comfort and step outside your realm of feeling safe and comfortable. This looks different for everybody. But He does call us to go, to love, to be His hands and feet...all in His Name. For me, He called me to a missions trip this past July to Fiji. What an experience that was. Two weeks away from my family, traveling with people I didn't know on a medical missions sharing the love of Jesus. My thought was, 'How bad can it be? It's in Fiji!' Let me tell you, there is a side of Fiji that is not on Google. I know because I Googled Fiji and the Fiji I experienced was not what was shown to me! Clinics were held in several village's and I began doubting myself on what I was really doing there. How am I doing what Christ asked of me? This is so hard. Seeing such economically poor people living in what we would consider trashy lean-to's. Yet they were filled with such genuine JOY! Story after story that was shared in broken English broke my heart yet at the same time warmed it seeing their joyfulness and glee for life, always praising God giving Him glory and thanksgiving despite their circumstance. I could do nothing to help their circumstances but pray for them. That's when it was spoken to me how life is intensely hard yet God turns it incredibly beautiful. That stuck with me. It's so true. Life is. We get to choose how we respond. God wastes nothing and uses it for His good. After that spoken phrase, that's where this image came into play. It really was a gift given by God. An illustration He displayed for tired, simple minded Christy to be able to completely understand at the time.
The seed gets planted in hearts through obedience when you do what's been asked of you by Christ. That seed will be watered as you continue to be obedient in serving and answering Christ's calling. The seed will soon begin to sprout and grow. This is not always an easy or comfortable process, but it is very necessary for continued growth. Ephesians 4:15-16 says, " We are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love."
As you persevere through enduring the spurts of growth tredging on through life, Christ has been doing beautiful things, never ceasing. The sprout is maturing and becoming tall, extending its branches out wide and upward, roots digging deeper grasping hold of the richly saturated soil, leaves beginning to appear in rich bold color that captivate & radiate all that the sun (SON) has filled them with in that day. Fruit appears so plump and lush that it is shared nourishing others that are in the presence of that tree. John 15:16 says, " did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go bear fruit and that your fruit should abide." John 15:4, "Abide in Me, and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." Christ is enabling you to bless others as He blesses you. Give God all the honor, all the praise and all the glory!
This tree represents you and I. As believers it is necessary for us to always be growing in Christ. "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity." 2 Peter 3:18. Growing is never easy and sometimes not pleasant, but we never have to go it alone. Christ is with us at all times. Even when times get extremely tough and we loose some leaves or even some branches. Job14:7-9 ESV encourages us, "For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease. Though its roots grow old in the earth, and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put out branches like a young plant." Christ gives us hope. Christ is our hope. We serve a gracious and loving God who is always with us giving us just what we need just when we need it.
Life is Intensely Hard yet Incredibly Beautiful when you surrender - give it up or agree to forego to the power or possession of another - to God!
This illustration was so imprinted on my heart that I had it tattooed on my foot. One, as a reminder to me so when I find myself pouting as any pouting child does looking down, I will see it and be reminded of the work Christ is doing in me as well as through me. Quickly removing myself out of the pout if I would just be trusting of His Will for my life. Two, it's been an absolute wonderful way to share the love of Jesus with random people and complete strangers! It's a great conversation starter, for sure.
The Lord has blessed me with a ministry that has been growing as well. I chose this to be it's logo and had t-shirt's made! God is good...All the time!
Take care and be blessed.
Christy Krezman
May1, 2013
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