Rosette Ministry
Christy Krezman
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Being Called
Being called.
That on its own can perhaps make us a little apprehensive. Being called can look different in so many ways, yet has one meaning. Being called requires us to be obedient to that call in which Christ calls us. It also means that perhaps we are going to feel unqualified, uneasy as it has us getting out of our comfort zone and moving outward from where we most feel safe.
God calls many to do things that have us flying across the continent to serve in foreign countries...feeding the hungry at local money to the person on the corner holding a cardboard sign...or simply smiling, making eye contact and carrying on a conversation with store clerks, waitresses and the like. Being called will look different for everyone but the call has one purpose and that is to Glorify God as we allow Him to work not only through us but in us.
I'd like to share with you a series of dreams that I had over two years ago as I was on a missions trip that left me questioning why God would have me go practically on the other side of the world doing what I did and then left me wondering about the people I was blessed to serve. Here's what I got...
Imagine, if you will. There's a large line of silhouetted individuals from all over the, women and children. A silhouette of Jesus is standing across from the line of people in the distance. They are patiently waiting and holding in each of their hands an eye dropper with one drop of water in it. The land is parched. The ground hard, dry and cracking. No sign of life in the near-concreted soil to be seen anywhere. Jesus is waving both hands slowly gesturing those to come...He's calling them, one by one. He is continuously motioning for the individual in the front of the line to move forward. That individual steps up and squeezes the eyedropper dropping the single drop of water onto the parched land. That individual continues walking toward Jesus and moves on.
The water that was dropped, quickly gulped it without change. The next individual responds to Jesus' calling, steps up and drops their one water drop onto the same spot like the one previous. That individual also moves toward Jesus and moves on. Again, there was no change in the soil but that did not stop Jesus from calling and those individuals to listen, obey and step up dropping their single drop onto the same spot. For the one in the front of the line they can only see Jesus motioning them to move forward. The other individuals have the water that brings life but is waiting for Jesus to instruct them and call them to use it. This goes on for some time until something begins happening to the soil. The next individual that obediently steps up...dropping the single drop of water...gets the beautiful privilege of witnessing this change. As the drop lands on the once near-cemented ground it changes texture. It is now soft, tender and rich. It took the obedience of so many before that person to prepare the land before it reached the right amount of water that it needed before the change was noticeable. That person continues forward as Jesus continues to call them and moves on.
The next individual answers their calling and steps up to place their single water drop onto the now rich soil. The soil remains the same as the water is gingerly absorbed. That person moves toward Jesus after doing what they were called to do. This same process of being called by Jesus continues. Being obedient to that calling, doing what Christ asks, then moving forward in Jesus. Once again, an individual steps up drops the droplet of water and then a glorious site of a vibrant green sprout emerges from the enriched soil. It took many before this one individual to prepare the soil for what God was planting and to nourish what He has already planted before any signs of change appeared. Moving forward, the next individual has the opportunity to fulfill their calling as well by placing their droplet of water onto this wonderful new sign of life. This individual does and the sprout remains the same for the time being. On and on, many individuals do the same without change.
Through complete obedience to their calling, he next individual steps up and places their drop of water and the sprout amazingly and wonderfully grows into a sapling. It is beginning to grow upward to the marvelous sky. This same process of a droplet of water being dropped onto the soil in which this vibrant young sapling is growing happens until another branch appears...buds blossom into beautiful flowers creating amazingly sweet leaves mature filling each branch with such lushness. Beautiful growth and formation is happening on the ever-growing tree because of the many who had been called to invest their water droplet and by the many who Christ will continue to call. Some may get the privilege of seeing change happen in their calling, while others do what's asked of them joyfully in the Name of Jesus while not getting to see the changes that are taking form but trust God for Him to complete the work.
As many called individuals step up to the tree and dropping their one drop of water onto it this tree holds its majesty, solidness, fruitfulness and is full of life. Here's where I come in. It's my turn to be in the front of the line. I see Jesus motioning me to come as He had will all the others before me, to step up and do what He has asked of me to do. I do. I take my place of where I was called and release that tiny drop of living water right at the base of the tree. I wait momentarily to see what affect my drop of water had on this beautiful tree. Wait a second more... Hmmm...
No change.
Jesus is still motioning for me to come toward Him. This is where I begin to wonder what good I did by placing that one little, tiny drop of water onto the already rich soil that was housing this majestic tree. What could that one little, tiny drop of water do to help this tree to continue its growth and blossoming?
Well, being the gal... who wants to know...what's happening and just how Jesus will do things, I... did not... move forward! I actually popped my hip out to one side placing my closed hand upon it ready to ask Jesus my questions that I wanted answers for. "So, did this help the tree? Are there anymore fruit that happened to sprout way up high out of sight as I placed 'MY' drop of water onto the soil? Tell me, what do you plan to do from here? How else can I help? Do you want me to go grab some more water and come back to put more on the tree...because this little amount surely isn't enough?! What else can I do while I'm here? Can I prune some branches? Pick some weeds? Disc around the soil? Tell me, Jesus. I want to help."
As I was busy in asking all these humanly brilliant questions, I finally realized that leaves were beginning to fall. Fruit dropping ruined to the ground. The branches are now beginning to droop a bit. I turn around and see individuals still waiting...still waiting patiently and joyfully just being in God's presence. I turn back around and Jesus doesn't say anything but He continues motioning with His hands for me to move forward...toward Him. He wants me to move...He wants me to move without having answers!! Whaaat? But.... I wait a moment and gaze upon what used to be a vibrant flourishing, fruit producing green tree that is now this yellowish-brown with drooping branches and scarce fruit. I begin to see the soil hardening and that's when I realize that... I NEED to MOVE!!
I reluctantly move forward because surely this tree isn't losing life because of me. I came to help it. I begin to realize as I took small slow steps forward that in my staying too long in the place in which I was called, I was prohibiting others to see God's calling for them to deposit their life giving water upon the tree. The longer I remained asking questions and wanting to be of help, the more the tree was beginning to loose its life. I had already done what God had asked of me to do. Now I need to move forward in Him making room for the person behind me to step up to the tree and place their single drop of water upon the soil. When I finally move out of the way, the next person answers their call depositing their droplet and the tree begins to perk up, the dying leaves begin to fill with life again, fruit no longer dropping but instead holding strong upon the branches. The line of individuals begin to move yet again and the tree is cared for by each of their drops that they've deposited upon Christ's request.
This was the extent of the dream but not the meaning. Through much prayer and patience in waiting on the Lord to reveal to me what all this meant, I realized that God calls each and every one of us to go and do in His Name. When we do that we are being willing vessels used by God for a greater picture that He is revealing bit by bit in the life/lives in which we are serving. God has been present and working long before I ever show up. I'm just another piece of the puzzle in the Gigantic picture that He has created.
When I stopped at the tree like a spoiled little girl wanting explanation and future plans for which I had been called to be a part of, I was actually being a hindrance to what God was doing and with whom He was calling to do it. God doesn't need me to accomplish anything but I absolutely need Him to accomplish everything. He desires a relationship with me. In this relationship He wants to see me grow, to be humble, to love others and to be His representative with my actions. By me stopping and holding up the line I prevented others from doing what God desires for them to do in His Name, to grow in Him and show His love in their calling. We all have seasons in our lives. We are not meant to remain in one place without growth and growth requires us to branch out from where we are.
I had to come to the understanding that I may never get the privilege of seeing the impact or outcome in what God places upon my heart to do for others. I am a very tiny part to a much bigger picture...but my very tiny part is vital to the completion of the work God is doing. I must understand the reason behind I am doing what I am doing for others. I do it because God calls me to it, believes in me, equips me and wants to see me grow as I am obedient. He is working beautifully already and I want to be part of that, blessing others as His Love is magnified.
My mind must be checked constantly because I can find that I feel as if I were the creative one that came up with this wonderful idea to do this great thing for someone. In reality, it's God placing that upon my heart to do. He deserves the praise and all the glory. I can do nothing on my own. It is only through Him...His strength that I am capable of anything. My confidence must remain sin solely in Him.
Hebrews 10:35-36 HCSB says, "So don't throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you need endurance, so that after you have done God's will, you may receive what was promised." This encourages me because most times I will not have the honor of seeing what comes from God in which He has called me to do. But He does promise me that He will bless me in ways that I cannot even imagine. I have to tell you that in these past two years life has been challenging but I can say that in those challenges my family and I held on tightly to His Promises and have been greatly blessed in doing so. We have found favor when things seemed impossible...we've encountered graciousness with life when it was wound up tightly...peace in troubling times...and so, so much more.
I want to encourage each of you to really consider to what God is calling you. Are you seizing these opportunities? Do you recognize them in everyday life? Has He called you to a foreign place...either in Country or in a different area in your city? You, too, are a vital puzzle piece to what God is doing in the lives of others...will you allow Him to place you in the proper place?
1 Peter 4:10-11 HCSB says, "Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. If anyone speaks, it should be as one who speaks God's words; if anyone serves, it should be from the strength God provides, so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ in everything. To Him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen."
I'd like to finish with 2 Peter 1:3-8 HCSB, "His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. By these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with godliness, godliness with brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they will keep you from being useless or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Take Care and Be Blessed,
Christy Krezman
Rosette Ministry
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