This past week, my son and I went on a day trip to the coast. As we traveled I noticed for many miles fields of dry and barren land. Land that appeared to be lacking and producing no type of harvest of any kind. Then without any warning lush rich vibrant crops filled the land. Neighboring right next to the barren field. I thought about how that applies to our lives.
So many times we believe that we can only experience one thing at a time. That is true of us. We can only handle being stressed through stressful times. We can only handle being angry when we're mad. We can only handle being sad in sorrowful times. Add one more thing on top of that and we'll just burst! We'll go over the edge. But when we have Christ as the center of our lives, we don't have to carry the load. It doesn't mean we don't ever experience these emotions ever again, it just means we have a hope in our future with Him. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It goes on to say in verse 12, "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you." We have a God who will hear all our hurts, our pains, our sorrows, everything that we are going through. He will give us a peace and Joy that will carry us through each and every trial.
I can guarantee that all of us have experience problems and pain in our lives. But I can't guarantee that we all have experienced the Joy and peace that God offers during those times.God goes before us, He follows us and He places His hand of blessing on our heads (see Psalm 139:5.) Joy... because happiness is not enough!
I looked up the definitions of Joy and happiness. Here's what I found...
Joy: the emotion evoked by well being. (evoked-to call forth; to bring to mind)
happiness: a pleasurable or satisfying experience *Webster describes "happy" as 'favored by luck'
What is Joy? God's Truth. What He has already done for you in your life. It's different for each of us but we each have a joyous moment we can bring forth in our mind...a joyous time that God blessed us with. And if we give it enough time, I'm sure we can bring forth a few more times that were quite joyful in our lives. In case your mind is too jammed with all the mess of your trials, refer to Scripture starting with John 3:16. That is a Joyful time that Christ gave His life for you and for me that we can spend eternity with Him. That He took on all our sins and paid our penalty so that we would not perish. Praise you, Jesus!! This is solid. That is secure. Joy does not waiver. Joy...because happiness is not enough!
What is happiness? Happiness is an emotion that comes whenever we experience a pleasurable or satisfying experience. It waivers. It is not solid. Not secure. I found it interesting that in the dictionary under the word happy was the word luck. We don't serve a God of luck. God is Absolute, Conclusive, Infinite, Complete, Upstanding, Firm, Strong, Worthy, Concrete, Massive, Sound, Supreme, Sovereign and so much more than my minuet brain can think of. Happiness is all depends on our pleasurable or satisfying events. We most certainly CAN NOT experience happiness as we are in our trials, it's like oil and water. But we most certainly CAN have Joy in the midst of our trials all because of Christ.
Joy is lasting. It doesn't replace what we are going through or what we are experiencing. Joy is just choosing to leave it all at the feet of Jesus - believing and trusting Him to see us through it. Allowing Him to transform us according to His Will for our lives. Seeking Him and praising Him through each moment as tough as some of them may be. Then calling forth times He has brought Joy in our life so many times before. Remembering times He has brought us out of some deep dark mirery pits. Joy and Trials can run parallel just as long as we keep our faith in Him trusting Him each step of the way!! John 15:11 says, "I have told you these things so that you can have the same joy I have and so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy."
Here's a few more Scriptures on Joy:
"My soul will find joy in the Lord and be joyful about his salvation." Psalm 35:9
"Worship the Lord with joy! Enter his presence with joyful singing." Psalms 100:2
"You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance; you have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy." Psalm 30:11
"They find joy in your name all day long. They are joyful in your righteousness..." Psalm 89:16
JOY...because happiness is not enough!
Be blessed and take care,
Christy Krezman
Rosette Ministry
Christy Krezman
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Advice vs Truth
Today I sit before you as a mom of a child that has reached the status of High School Graduate. Last night was of much celebration of hard work and determination to reach this achievement. Speeches were given from administrators, the principal and fellow peers sharing words of things that students have overcame, pushed past, and have conquered. Words trying to encourage, motivate and excite them about their future. This is all exciting. A new season that is waiting for each and everyone of these individuals. A new world awaits them like they've never experienced it before.
As I went home and reflected upon the evening, my heart began to ache just a bit about the words that had not been said. Words of Truth perhaps were not spoken over these young adults that are chomping at the bit to be let loosed into the "real" world to live life. I'm thankful that my son got those Words of Truth spoken over him...not only in this moment of his life but in each season of life that he has encountered. How many is that true of? Even those who like myself who graduated 25 years ago who are daily needing Words of Truth spoken into my life. We all need this!
Friends, co-workers, and relatives can give great advice, practical tips and help to inspire you through a season. Those are fantastic and very much needed, but there is only one place where there is TRUTH and STRENGTH that will never waiver and will always see you through and His name is Jesus Christ...His TRUTH is found in His written Word. I know for a good part of my early married years I would pick up the telephone and call my mom or a girlfriend for marital "advice" if my husband did something or didn't do I guess I was on the phone quite a bit! They gave wonderful advice and mostly Godly advice, however, I didn't go to the One that could actually help the situation.
Let God fight your battles. You are not alone in this life. No matter what challenges or obstacles you may be facing God is more than able, more than willing to see you through each step of the way. Having a support system is fantastic, but airing things that need not aired is difficult to learn. I had to give advice to myself in regards to sharing my frustration and irritation about my husband in search for "advice," STOP talking to others before talking to God. Proverbs 16:7 says, "When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." Now, don't misunderstand me here, my husband is not my enemy. When I hold an anger or discontent in my heart toward him I am treating him as such. Retrain my mind-set to go to God first. Isaiah 26:3-4 says, "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal."
Picking up the phone or sitting with a friend and venting away is an easy way to release built up frustrations. It's a quick way to get opinions, advice or what we hope for...quick fixes. This may be a temporary salve. Changing our ways to be ones to look for Truth in Christ may be overwhelming or intimidating at first, but God knows your heart and will meet you right where you are. Mark 10:27 says, "For with God all things are possible." You can call out to God asking Him to meet you, venting your hurts, frustrations, dreams, desires, anything that you need advice on seeking Him for your future. Let me tell you...He will meet you! The Message versions of Isaiah 42:16 says, "I'll take the hand of those who don't know the way, who can't see where they're going. I'll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country." A perfect Truth for daily living.
One of my most favorite quotes is by Corrie ten Boom, "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to an All-Knowing God." Whatever your future, even just your day may hold God has got it all under control. He is The Source...our source. We need to tap into that Truth Source daily.
Class of 2013...Students, Parents, Administrators, Teachers, and those connected to, may these Words of Truth be spoken over you as a new season begins.
Take care & be blessed.
Christy Krezman
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