I needed some alone time with God and sometimes that comes in the form of doing crafts and projects. Yesterday was one of those days and let me tell ya, I had a wonderful visit with Him and He created some really cool things. I'd like to share those with you!
This is one that I did late last night. I didn't do a tutorial or take pictures as I went along because this was when I was most in the Presence of my LORD. However, the simplicity of the items used can create such a beautiful work of art. Just as Christ does in us daily. He's always at work in us. Some days we recognize it while others we don't even give Him the gratitude for the very breath in our lungs! Be encouraged, He doesn't leave us, never forsakes us, always loves us...whether we recognize the little things or not.
Ok. Here's how to re-create this God-creation of simplicity turned to beauty. You will need:
Two 5 x 7 art canvas (I found mine at Ross for $1)
Pebbles (from Dollar Tree)
Branches (from your yard, or neighbors with permission!)
Spray Paint, color of your choice (My favorite brand it Valspar from Lowes but any
will work fine.)
E6000 glue (My favorite! I stock up on this and buy it up from Wal-Mart!)
Paper from old books, and a few buttons
Creating the paper flowers is basically cutting a 5 scooped flower from pages of a book and layering them on top of each other. I used 5 layers and each one slightly smaller than the other for depth. I crinkled the paper as well, we don't want flat flowers! Place a dot of E6000 glue in center of each petal as you layer and use a button as center. Set aside to to dry. **Important to use wax paper as a work station with this glue.**
Spray paint canvas lightly. Take branches (twigs really) and place where you'd like. Find where they are most touching the canvas. Apply the E6000 glue. Now this glue does not dry quickly so I used a pair of my husbands heavy pliers and placed them over the branches to apply weight until the glue dries (a few hours).
Arrange pebbles in a word and once you like, apply a dot of E6000 glue and set. Same with the branch beneath, see where it is touching canvas and apply dot of glue and place on canvas.
Apply a dot of glue to back of paper flowers and place on branch. To keep from slipping off I use wooden clothespin to clip to branch (make sure not to clip to glued area otherwise the clothespin will become part of your art!)
Wait overnight for glue to become permanent and there you have it!!
Do you have some mix-matched dinnerware? Perhaps you have some special pieces that have been passed down to you that you just don't know what to do with. Or like me, I saw this tiny, little plate at a thrift store that caught my eye and snatched it up for a quarter. Now what? Well, dessert stands and cake plates are one idea. I don't always use them for sweets...they can be used for centerpieces and dinner parties.
This, too, was teamed with Joy time with God, so not picture tutorial. But not to worry, I have some projects coming that actually do have picture step by step. But this one is easy step by step.
Go get your favorite plate. I used a glass plate slightly larger underneath for depth. and a short glass candleholder. Any candle holder will work and you can pick the height that you like. Just make sure that it looks good with the size of the plate that you are using. When choosing the candle holder, place the plate on it to see if it balances and is level. If not, DON'T use...unless you want the topsy-turvy look. Once you've agreed on all the items you want to use, grab ahold of the amazing E6000 glue. Apply generously around the rim of the candle holder but not to the point that it will ooze down the sides. Carefully place plate on top. If you are using more than one plate, glue the two plates together before placing on candle holder. Set aside and let dry for 24 hours. It may be helpful if you placed something weighted in the center. **Hand wash only.**
Who doesn't like to make something for under $1? Me, me, me!! These butter knives cost a quarter each. I got them just because I saw them at the thrift store and there they sat on the shelf in a tub full of other utensils. That tub sat next to darling vintage plates, glasses, metal scrolly things and trinkets. I was like all the other people...drawn to the big things, the pretty things. The things that stood out. But this time something tugged at me to dig in that tub. And let me tell you I dug. There were all kinds of things in there that I have no clue what in the world they were. But laying so lowly at the bottom of this giant tub were these quiet, slightly tarnished butter knives. A little battered, a little dented but with a glimpse of glimmer. I snatched them up holding them tightly in my hand. That's when the Lord reminded me that this is what He does for us in this giant tub of the world. Sometimes things of the world gets dumped on top of us that it begins to tarnish us. We become battered and a little dented. But we have hope in Christ. He is our Redeemer! He rescues us. He retrieves us and cleanses us. Wow! I love God! He is so good...ALL the time!
So these butter knives displayed will be a reminder to me. Let me share with you how to create this:
Items needed: Cardstock, scrapbook paper, frame mat, cardboard/back of an old picture frame,
E6000, Elmers spray adhesive (or double sided tape)
I used the back of an old picture frame that had an easel stand so I wouldn't have to use an actual easel as you see in the photo above. A piece of cardboard or this paper or even a piece of wood would work...anything that you have around your house that is around 8 x 10 size will do just fine. I traced the scrapbook paper to the frame and cut it. Sprayed it with the spray adhesive and applied it to the frame easel (double sided tape will work fine, just don't use any glue that will show through the paper) Find left over mats in your photo closet. I used 2 for depth and used a cardstock that I found in a picture that I disassembled (seen above) Using E6000 glue assemble the mats together first and then adhere to scrapbook frame. Position knives until your liking. Find where they are touching mat and dot with E6000. Set aside. Allow 24 hours drying time.
Finished photo shows the complete Knife Art with other thrift store findings. Candlesticks were all brass that were spray painted one unified color. I have to admit this was not their first coat of paint...they have been many colors before. This go round they are Azure Snow! The bird is a vintage salt shaker that I got for $1.20. Crate $4.
Some fun backyard color. Rubber doormat and plant mat spray painted a bright cheerful color and hung on fence. Simple, fun, easy and fast!
Framed decor. Take a frame, spray paint it a bright color, insert a fun cheerful fun piece. I had this from my daughter's room that she didn't want to use anymore. Sconces found at the thrift store for $3 each. Spray painted bright and used barnwood to hang them on so that they can be portable. I used fruit drying trays to line the bottom of my fence to a more rustic look to my yard. I think I need to find me a holster for my spray paint cans!!
Fun centerpieces made with simple everyday items. Frames, jars, gobblets, jars, and coffee filters!
Again, just find some fun colors of spray paint and go at it!! Ask friends and family for jars and you will have an overwhelming amount of all kinds of jars. No worries because I have more ideas to share with you!
The flowers are made out of coffee filters and then spray painted with the same colors. I am going to share on how to make those at a later time, so you will just have to come back and visit me!!
Hope this was encouraging and delightful for your spirit. May you be blessed and filled with the many treasures God has for you!
You can also 'like' me on my Facebook page Rosette Ministry
Blessings Friends,
Christy K
Rosette Ministry
Christy Krezman
Friday, March 29, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Dr. Appointment? Nah, Divine Appointment!
Chance meeting with an angel from heaven at my doctor appointment? I do believe God had another appointment planned for me today when I went for my routine medical appointment: Divine Appointment.
The conversation began when Beth, a total stranger to me, just another patient at the doctor's office, when she just beamed about the beautiful tattoo upon my foot. The exact reason I got the tattoo is to have opportunities such as this to share an incredible journey Christ trusted me enough to pursue. As she delighted in the beauty of the artwork I was able to share why I got it and what it represented. Mind you, I am sitting & she's standing in the middle of the office as others, including the staff turned their attention our way. The questions came. More opportunities to share Christ.
'Oh, God Thank You for having me come early for my appointment!' Goodness, she's so engaging and taking this all in. She's sounding excited about what I'm sharing and encouraging of what I am doing. How I am serving others, stepping out and following Christ in life. Doing what He leads you to do even if it is scary and everyone else thinks you're crazy for doing it. When seeds are planted in Christ they will grow, prosper and mature bearing fruit as we continue to pursue Him. Others will be blessed with the fruit Christ grows in us, we must have a cheerful and giving spirit.
"Christy." My name is called. Really?! Right now when things are going so well? I wish I had more time. I gracefully excuse myself and tell her what a pleasure it was speaking with her. Beth thanks me for sharing a bit of myself with her. So, off I go. That's it. As I am walking to the medical assistant, I notice many pairs of eyes on me...before, it would have bothered me, but today, I celebrate it!!
"Let's get your vitals before we take you back to a room." Hmmm Mmmm. Not paying attention. I'm thinking that I can't leave here without connecting somehow with Beth. I've got BP cuff on a arm, thermometer in mouth and I am digging vigorously in my purse for paper. Of course I don't have any because I just switched to a new one and it is all neatly organized. I haven't had enough time for receipts or grocery lists thrown into the bottom of my purse. What can I use? A business card of somebody else...just insert my name, number and email! Cuff is off, thermometer out. I urgently ask the assistant if I could re-enter the waiting area quickly. I'm granted permission with a smile. I briskly approach Beth extending my handmade card and she eagerly accepts, thankful for my return. She tells me that she is excited to get in touch with me upon her return home. Wow, that will be fast! She proceeds to tell me she lives 600 miles away and will be away from home for some time longer. Now that's it...for now. I'm full of joy. Thank you, Lord.
An hour at the doctor's office with some news of exploratory surgery to find the source of pain that I have been suffering through for the past 8 months and determine a hardness/lump on my abdomen was nothing that could bring me down from the Spiritual high I was on! I sat in my car trying to grasp what God had just down when Beth appeared out of the doors. I rolled down my window and waved to her. As she approached me I told her to take care and told her that I was blessed in meeting her. She returned the sentiment and said that she would contact me soon. I asked her where she lived and she answered, "I live in heaven. It's beautiful." I told her, "I'd love to come visit you in heaven." Her response, "Anytime. I'd love to have you come see me. I'll email you the address." And off she went as she left in her cab!
Divine Appointment...I'll take more of these any day!
Christy K.
The conversation began when Beth, a total stranger to me, just another patient at the doctor's office, when she just beamed about the beautiful tattoo upon my foot. The exact reason I got the tattoo is to have opportunities such as this to share an incredible journey Christ trusted me enough to pursue. As she delighted in the beauty of the artwork I was able to share why I got it and what it represented. Mind you, I am sitting & she's standing in the middle of the office as others, including the staff turned their attention our way. The questions came. More opportunities to share Christ.
'Oh, God Thank You for having me come early for my appointment!' Goodness, she's so engaging and taking this all in. She's sounding excited about what I'm sharing and encouraging of what I am doing. How I am serving others, stepping out and following Christ in life. Doing what He leads you to do even if it is scary and everyone else thinks you're crazy for doing it. When seeds are planted in Christ they will grow, prosper and mature bearing fruit as we continue to pursue Him. Others will be blessed with the fruit Christ grows in us, we must have a cheerful and giving spirit.
"Christy." My name is called. Really?! Right now when things are going so well? I wish I had more time. I gracefully excuse myself and tell her what a pleasure it was speaking with her. Beth thanks me for sharing a bit of myself with her. So, off I go. That's it. As I am walking to the medical assistant, I notice many pairs of eyes on me...before, it would have bothered me, but today, I celebrate it!!
"Let's get your vitals before we take you back to a room." Hmmm Mmmm. Not paying attention. I'm thinking that I can't leave here without connecting somehow with Beth. I've got BP cuff on a arm, thermometer in mouth and I am digging vigorously in my purse for paper. Of course I don't have any because I just switched to a new one and it is all neatly organized. I haven't had enough time for receipts or grocery lists thrown into the bottom of my purse. What can I use? A business card of somebody else...just insert my name, number and email! Cuff is off, thermometer out. I urgently ask the assistant if I could re-enter the waiting area quickly. I'm granted permission with a smile. I briskly approach Beth extending my handmade card and she eagerly accepts, thankful for my return. She tells me that she is excited to get in touch with me upon her return home. Wow, that will be fast! She proceeds to tell me she lives 600 miles away and will be away from home for some time longer. Now that's it...for now. I'm full of joy. Thank you, Lord.
An hour at the doctor's office with some news of exploratory surgery to find the source of pain that I have been suffering through for the past 8 months and determine a hardness/lump on my abdomen was nothing that could bring me down from the Spiritual high I was on! I sat in my car trying to grasp what God had just down when Beth appeared out of the doors. I rolled down my window and waved to her. As she approached me I told her to take care and told her that I was blessed in meeting her. She returned the sentiment and said that she would contact me soon. I asked her where she lived and she answered, "I live in heaven. It's beautiful." I told her, "I'd love to come visit you in heaven." Her response, "Anytime. I'd love to have you come see me. I'll email you the address." And off she went as she left in her cab!
Divine Appointment...I'll take more of these any day!
Christy K.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Clear Thinking
Clear Thinking
Ever wake up and feel in a fog? That was me yesterday. Fog doesn't even quite describe it. Difficult to describe...in a bubble, blurred, I was moving extremely slowed paced as life and everyone in it had extra shots of espresso. No reason for it. So why?
I continued through my day. First stop, church. What a wonderful experience I had. Nothing changed on my part but at that point I was thankful for being in my fog. The Holy Spirit entered my bubble! I was having such a wonderful visit with Him as the rest of my amazing church family worshipped around me, no clue that I was chatting in my heart with my most favorite guest! Refreshing. Still hazy, but a streak of light beginning to appear.
Lunch with an amazing group of fun-loving, energizing sisters in Christ that filled my laughter tank. I felt like Charlie in the movie, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, when he and his grandpa sipped some fizzy beverage and they began floating in the air filled with bubbles giggling away! My spirit was filled, yet that nagging haze continued to linger and it was beginning to get on my last nerve! REALLY?
What in the world is going on, Lord? I am surrounding myself with all that I need to and yet I find myself in this fog and my mind is mucky and life is speeding by without me. I'm doing what You ask of me to do yet I'm feeling left out and unclear.
At home when I finally sat down long enough to be still, let me say that again, BE STILL, that's when God began to clear things up for me. Removing the haziness. It was like seeing something behind a frosted glass and then eventually it becoming ever so clear!
I live this life too fast. I have tasks, projects and things to get done including my devotions. Christ wants us to experience Him. He desires a conversation with us. He delights in us and we are His handiwork and we are each wonderfully unique. I couldn't imagine as a parent my child doing to me as I do to Christ so often. SLOW is not a word that is looked upon favorably in this world, but I must remember that I am not of this world and I need to reinsert SLOW, SLOWER, SLOW DOWN into my vocabulary. I am missing too much of what God has for me if I am running in this fast world. Clear is seen when life is taken at a slower pace. This is where He gives clarity. I like clear. I like clarity.
I do believe that God put in His Word that we are to, "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 He knew we would get busy, preoccupied and have to-do lists. We need reminded of this quite often!
Bring your moments to God. He's interested. He will equip you with all that you need and embrace you with His love and grace. Thank You, God!!
I have to tell you, I went to bed last night with such a clearly enlightened mind, a heart full of joy and a embrace from my Lord!
Always learning...
Christy K.
Ever wake up and feel in a fog? That was me yesterday. Fog doesn't even quite describe it. Difficult to describe...in a bubble, blurred, I was moving extremely slowed paced as life and everyone in it had extra shots of espresso. No reason for it. So why?
I continued through my day. First stop, church. What a wonderful experience I had. Nothing changed on my part but at that point I was thankful for being in my fog. The Holy Spirit entered my bubble! I was having such a wonderful visit with Him as the rest of my amazing church family worshipped around me, no clue that I was chatting in my heart with my most favorite guest! Refreshing. Still hazy, but a streak of light beginning to appear.
Lunch with an amazing group of fun-loving, energizing sisters in Christ that filled my laughter tank. I felt like Charlie in the movie, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, when he and his grandpa sipped some fizzy beverage and they began floating in the air filled with bubbles giggling away! My spirit was filled, yet that nagging haze continued to linger and it was beginning to get on my last nerve! REALLY?
What in the world is going on, Lord? I am surrounding myself with all that I need to and yet I find myself in this fog and my mind is mucky and life is speeding by without me. I'm doing what You ask of me to do yet I'm feeling left out and unclear.
At home when I finally sat down long enough to be still, let me say that again, BE STILL, that's when God began to clear things up for me. Removing the haziness. It was like seeing something behind a frosted glass and then eventually it becoming ever so clear!
I live this life too fast. I have tasks, projects and things to get done including my devotions. Christ wants us to experience Him. He desires a conversation with us. He delights in us and we are His handiwork and we are each wonderfully unique. I couldn't imagine as a parent my child doing to me as I do to Christ so often. SLOW is not a word that is looked upon favorably in this world, but I must remember that I am not of this world and I need to reinsert SLOW, SLOWER, SLOW DOWN into my vocabulary. I am missing too much of what God has for me if I am running in this fast world. Clear is seen when life is taken at a slower pace. This is where He gives clarity. I like clear. I like clarity.
I do believe that God put in His Word that we are to, "Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 He knew we would get busy, preoccupied and have to-do lists. We need reminded of this quite often!
Bring your moments to God. He's interested. He will equip you with all that you need and embrace you with His love and grace. Thank You, God!!
I have to tell you, I went to bed last night with such a clearly enlightened mind, a heart full of joy and a embrace from my Lord!
Always learning...
Christy K.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Day 1
Christy Krezman |
Here's the birth story of the Rosette Ministry, in 2010 I began making these Rosette's in stockpiles. I'd wear them everywhere because I had them in every color and pattern. I'd wear them in my hair, on my shirts, on my necklaces, attach them to my binders...they were everywhere I was. I would always get compliments wherever I'd go. I soon began getting requests for them and I thought that I could have a little side business going here! God had other plans. I sold a few but immediately felt convicted as soon as my hand clutched the crisp dollar bills. WHY? I didn't understand this feeling. More and more requests were coming in for them and it cost me money to make them but I could not charge money! God placed it upon my heart to begin giving them away. WHAT? Give. Freely with no strings attached and no trades or anything, even to people I don't know? HOW? I am a stay-at-home mom. I volunteer. God just kept tugging at my heart to give, and to do it with a cheerful heart. Well, let me tell you, honestly that didn't happen for a while. The freely giving didn't happen except at birthdays, Christmas, and other special events when the Rosettes got wrapped up pretty in a package to people we knew. Wonder if that's what God meant? Don't quite think so.
A year goes by and I'm up late one night making a mound of Rosettes. Repetitive steps over and over for hours. In my aloneness I am actually quite and still. When I go to sleep that night God gives me a beautiful gift, a story. Not just any story but one that is attached to the Rosettes and one that describes is strong, never-ending love for us. A story that He wants me to share...freely.
Oh, my goodness! Is that what He meant all along? Why I wasn't to charge for them? It didn't cost us anything, it cost Him everything, yet He FREELY receives us and gives us His love. What? No strings attached? Absolutely not! He took 3 nails upon a cross for you and for me, there's no place for string. No gimmick, just a Heavenly Father that loves you so much that He died upon the Cross for you that you and I could have eternal life with Him. How amazing is that?!
Well, that is how this ministry was birthed into my life. I am so grateful that God deemed me capable and worthy to grow me and use me to GO and spread His good news. I feel so honored and blessed. I have to admit that there are times that I wonder what He sees in me, but I am glad that I have Him to rely on because without Him I couldn't do nearly anything, if anything!!
What to look forward to on this blog...
"Repurposing for the Glory of God...using unwanted and discarded items and turning them back into beauty as Christ does for us."
I love to Thrift Store shop. I love to spray paint items (over and over again to change decor). I love to craft.
I love to figure things out in a store and try to do it myself. I love to decorate. I LOVE JESUS! I love to fellowship with women. I love to speak at events. I love devotions. I love coffee. I love to share my ideas, thoughts and encouragements. I love, love, love to do all of this at one place, making an event of it!!
So, this is what I'll be sharing. I pray that this finds you and will be a blessing to you.
Please visit my Facebook page Rosette Ministry or contact me at RosetteMinistry@att.net.
God Bless,
Christy Krezman
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